Precast concrete pavement systems serve as a reliable cost effective alternative to traditional rapid repair techniques for concrete pavement with much longer life cycles. Intermittent repairs can extend the life of the surrounding pavement.
Approximately 2/3 of precast pavement projects constructed to date in the US and Canada can be categorized as intermittent repairs, where “isolated” areas of the roadway have been replaced. This is a cost-effective and sustainable practice because it allows owners to rapidly restore concrete pavements with localized distresses to near serviceable condition by repairing only the areas that are distressed These precast intermittent repairs will likely outlive the surrounding concrete pavement by decades.
Intermittent Panel Replacement Gallery
Individual Panel Slab Replacement (IPSR)
Links to NPCA resources:
1.) NPCA Precast Paving Page
2.) NPCA Manual for Jointed Precast Concrete Paving
3.) NPCA Precast Concrete Pavement Slab Installation Videos
4.) NPCA Caltrans Project Photos